Private, in-person study in Seattle
I offer tuba and euphonium lessons to players of all ages and abilities. For availability and rates, feel free to email, call, or text. You can also submit the online form here.
My Philosophy
Teaching is one of the most enriching and rewarding parts of my career. I’m always striving to refine my playing, and lessons offer a unique space where I can share my perspectives and strategies while learning from my students as they pursue their own musical growth.
I consider myself a “player-teacher” and believe lessons are a collaboration between student and teacher. Every student deserves a strong model to aim for in their own playing. I proactively play for, and with, my students in every lesson and believe strongly in the instructive power of this dialogue.
“Andy has given me so much direction in my high school tuba playing to help me one day achieve my goals of playing professionally… his collaborative approach to teaching has connected me to pivotal people, programs, and competitions.” -Hollis (current student)
“It is exciting to watch our daughter’s tuba ability tremendously improve through Andy’s teaching. She is pushed beyond what she thinks she is capable of and gains skill and confidence from it. Andy is personable, friendly, and engaging. He consistently expands her network of musicians and helps her navigate the various decisions she has to consider on the path toward college and beyond. We are sincerely thankful for his guidance and support.” -Rachael (parent)